Signature Validation: Are you a victim of fraud?

It has recently been reported that an Independent Candidate for Arizona State Senate in your legislative district is being investigated for widespread forgery and pervasive signature fraud.

“Arizona Senate candidate Mark Syms' petitions were forged, voters say”

Arizona Republic, June 8: Dustin Gardiner

“Lawsuit: 'Extensive and pervasive petition fraud' with Senate candidates' signatures”

The Arizona Republic, June 11: Dustin Gardiner and Alison Steinbach

Several individuals who were paid by the campaign, including a convicted felon, appear to have participated in the extensive forgery ring. We believe you and dozens of your neighbors may be the victim of the signature forgery as your name and address appear on the Syms’ nomination petitions. Multiple neighbors in your immediate community have confirmed that their name and signature appeared on the nomination form, but:

1.     Never signed the form: and

2.     Confirmed the signature that appears on the petition does not match their real signature.

On Tuesday, we are scheduled for an expedited court hearing to examine evidence and investigate the allegations of forgery and fraud. You are receiving this letter because we would like to confirm whether you signed the nominating petition or have been a victim of what appears to be widespread forgery.

Please contact our law offices immediately if you or the members of your household did not sign Mark Syms’ nomination petition.